Bharti Airtel recently announced its quarterly profit was Rs 2,008 crore during Q4 FY22. The telco also reported an industry-leading average revenue per user (ARPU) figure of Rs 178. Gopal Vittal, CEO of Bharti Airtel, said that there are three reasons why Airtel is doing great and will continue to do so. Let’s take a look at all of them.

Bharti Airtel CEO Says These Three Reasons Helping the Company Stay Optimistic for Future

Vittal said the ability of the company to consistently execute a simple strategy of winning with quality customers and delivering the best experience to them is the first reason Airtel is doing good. The second reason cited by the telco was its future-proofed business model with massive investments in both the infrastructure and digital capabilities. Lastly, it is Airtel’s financial prudence backed by the strong governance focus that is keeping the company on track to success. Bharti Airtel reported its India revenues at Rs 22,500 crore for Q4 FY22, which is up 22.7% YoY. The telco’s mobile revenues went up by 25.1% YoY on account of the average revenue per user (ARPU) increase led by the prepaid mobile tariff hike. Airtel said that it is an outcome of the company’s unrelenting focus on winning quality customers by delivering a differentiated experience. The telco has finally crossed the landmark of 200 million 4G subscribers during the quarter. Bharti Airtel’s other arms, such as Airtel Business, Airtel Payments Bank, and Airtel Digital TV, also saw growth in the business. The telco said that it rolled out 7,000 new towers during the quarter to improve the mobile network experience for the users. Airtel’s capex in India for Q4 FY22 was Rs 4,277 crore. The healthy increase in ARPU should continue in the June 2022 quarter as the telco adds more high paying users and long-term recharge plan users recharge again with the new inflated tariffs.

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