HDFC Customers to Enjoy Additional Rs 1,000 Discount It is worth noting that this would be the first major price cut on the phone ever since its release in the second half of 2018. The price cut also makes sense since the release of the next OnePlus flagship, OnePlus 7, is not a long wait now. The base variant of the phone which comes in a 6GB RAM and 128GB storage specification is usually available with its original price tag of Rs 37,999, however, it will go on up on the shelves tomorrow with a price tag of Rs 34,999, but for HDFC Bank customers, the phone will bear an even more attractive price of Rs 33,999. Rs 5,000 Price Cut for Highest Variant of the OnePlus 6T Similar will be the case for the highest variant with 8GB RAM and 256GB storage which will retail for Rs 41,999 down from its original price tag of Rs 45,999. Just like the other two models, HDFC Bank customers will be able to enjoy an additional Rs 1,000 discount which will bring down the price of the phone to Rs 40,999. Currently, in the market, the Apple iPhone XR has also got a massive price cut of Rs 17,000 and is now retailing with a price tag of Rs 59,900. Samsung, however, is not shipping its flagship line-up device, the Galaxy S10e with any price cut and it is currently available for buying with a price tag of Rs 55,900. Right now, the OnePlus 6T remains slightly behind these abovementioned phones but considering its price range the OnePlus flagship offers one of the best Android experience and smooth performance given its highly touted OxygenOS. The phone comes with teardrop notch and packs the Snapdragon 845.

OnePlus 7 Launch Seems Imminent as OnePlus 6T Gets Discounted for the First Time in India - 44