Tata Sky wants to help its customers learn from their homes without being compelled to go out during the time of the pandemic. India’s number one Direct-to-Home (DTH) operator has added multiple channels to its platforms, including two which will help customers prepare for some of the major competitive exams of the country. Tata Sky has added ‘NEET PREP’ and ‘JEE PREP’ channels ‘MUSIC (Data)’ to its platform. At the same time, the company has removed a channel/service for one competitive exam called ‘NEFT PREP’. The two newly added preparation channels will allow students/users to learn and prepare for major examinations such as NEET and JEE from the comfort of their homes. The students won’t have to step out of their premises to attend physical classes risking their lives only to learn now. Tata Sky might remove the channels in the future depending on the kind of reaction they get from the market. The company, along with other DTH operators, keeps on removing/adding channels to see what consumers want. There are no more details about the newly added channels available at the moment.

Tata Sky Offering 4K HDR Service for Free to Users

For the unaware, Tata Sky recently announced the 4K HDR channel Travelxp which will be available for the users for completely free. It is an internet channel and will be available for users who own a Tata Sky Binge+ STB of the company. Note that the channel will only be available for free for 1 year from the date of its launch. Along with the Travelxp 4K HDR channel, Tata Sky also added six other international services that are internet channels. All of the newly added internet channels can be found by going to the Guide > Internet TV. This new service will enhance how people consume their content with Tata Sky.

Tata Sky Adds NEET PREP  MUSIC  Data   and JEE PREP Channels - 20