One of the biggest social media platforms, Twitter is now testing a new feature which will allow users to send out voice tweets. But the only thing is that this feature is going to be rolled out for iOS users initially. Twitter has rolled out some major updates in the last few weeks and now it is coming out with another. Right now, the voice tweet feature is still in the testing phase and is expected to come out soon. Even for the iOS users, only a handful number of users will receive the feature.

New Wavelengths Icon to Appear on Twitter

iOS users are soon going to see a ‘Wavelengths’ icon on the Tweeter composer screen. This icon will help users in creating voice tweets. The voice tweet can be recorded for up to 140 seconds. Right now, Twitter users can only use text to send out tweets, but after this feature launches, they will be able to send audio tweets as well. This will be an interesting addition to the Twitter app. Just how popular these audio tweets become, only time will tell.

Voice Tweets to Get Strict Regulation

It has become very easy to spread misinformation and increase the panic amongst masses using social media platforms. Twitter being one of the most prominently used social media app has been working really hard to curb the spread of misinformation and hate speech from their platform. Voice tweets which are to be introduced soon are going to be regulated very strictly as well. Because with the help of voice tweets, users can send out longer messages. 140 seconds mean that users can send a message of up to 2 minutes and 20 seconds. “We are working to incorporate additional monitoring systems ahead of bringing this to everyone,” a Twitter Spokeswoman was found quoting to Reuters. Much recently, Twitter also added a warning to a tweet sent by Trump for the Minneapolis protests as it promoted violence.

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